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LaVida Network is a ministry of The Navigators who desire to see Hispanics/Latinos experience, embrace, and celebrate God’s Kingdom as generational disciplemakers.


Dates: November 8-10, 2024


Location: DoubleTree Hotel, Phoenix/Tempe, AZ


Registration Cost: 

  • $249

  • Student rate $179​​

*Hotel room reservations will need to be made separately.

Hotel Cost: 

  • $169/night, breakfast included

To make a reservation: Select your dates of check-in and check-out, the number of guests in the room, then click search. Reserve your hotel room here.

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Interested in being an event sponsor?


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For nearly twenty years, Rich served as a pastor and public speaker, fostering spiritual growth and promoting community development. His 2017 memoir explored the intersection of faith, ethnicity, and the influence of place. Today, Rich used those experiences as a filmmaker to craft honest stories for brands and organizations, using both documentary and narratives styles. Currently, Rich is a producer with CT Media. Faith and family are a cornerstone in his life, reflecting his belief that the decisions we make throughout the course of our lives are telling a story.

Morning WorkshopS

Discipleship en Familia (in Spanish) 

A look at discipleship in the context of family and dealing with family rhythms


Mental Health and Latino Culture
Navigating the deep emotions and complexities of feelings within Latino culture


Impacting Men in the Latin Community
What it looks like to live for Christ as a Latino man in your family, workplace, and community


Impacting Women in the Latin Community
What it looks like to live for Christ as a Latina woman in your family, workplace, and community


Too Latino, Not Latino Enough??

Embracing Your Ethnic Identity as Jesus Embraced His Standing in your own ethnic identity: how to embrace the way God made us


Mi Vida en La Rueda—Discipleship 101
How to have quality quiet time, prayer, fellowship, and witnessing with Christ at the Center


Navigating Your Walk With Jesus in a Busy World
How to balance time, work, relationships, and mental health with margin

Afternoon WorkshopS 

Pioneering Latino Ministries
What does it look like to pioneer a Latino ministry in your context- Collegiate/HSI (Hispanic-Serving Institution), Latino city/church context, nations abroad


Discipleship en Familia
A look at discipleship in the context of family and dealing with family rhythms


Mental Health and Latino Culture
Navigating the deep emotions and complexities of feelings within Latino culture


Too Latino, Not Latino Enough??

Embracing Your Ethnic Identity the Way Jesus Embraced His Standing in your own ethnic identity: how to embrace the way God made us


Living in Tension: Embracing one Another in a Divided World
How to navigate the complex subjects of current society, politics, race, and challenging questions around Jesus


Mi Vida en La Rueda—Discipleship 101 (in Spanish) 
How to have quality quiet time, prayer, fellowship, and witnessing with Christ at the center


Navigating Your Walk With Jesus in a Busy World
How to balance time, work, relationships, and mental health with margin

Have Questions?

Email us and we will respond when we can!


Fast tracks will equip you with practical ways to engage in life-to-life discipleship in the Latin community. How fast? 30 minutes of content and then 30 minutes of conversation. You’ll learn about discipleship in a specific context and then talk with others around your table about what it would look like to implement what you have just heard. It’s so fast, you get to do it twice. So choose two fast-tracks about discipleship you are most interested in learning. 

Fast Track #1

Fast Track #2

Discípulo en la Iglesia

/ Led by Armando Madrid in Spanish /


Discipleship on the College Campus

/ Led by Sarah Guiterez in English /


Discipleship in the Nations

/ Led by Paul Reynoso in English /


Discipleship in the Military

/ Led by Victor Padilla in English /


Discipleship in Communities Affected by Injustice and Poverty

/ Led by Laura Jenkins in English /


Discipleship in My Neighborhood

/ Led by David Dyrud in English /


Discípulando en las Naciones

/ Led by Paul Reynoso in Spanish /


Discipleship in the Church

/ Led by Armando Madrid in English /


Discipleship on the College Campus

/ Led by Sarah Guiterez in English /


Discipleship in Communities Affected by Injustice and Poverty

/ Led by Laura Jenkins in English /

Discipleship in My Neighborhood

/ Led by David Dyrud in English /


Discipleship among International Students

/ Led by Joel Otero in English /



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